High Percentage vs. Low Percentage

One size fits all.  This is a great concept when it comes to socks and hats but does not apply to self-defense techniques.  It is often said that good technique will overcome size and strength.  While this is true, there are limits to this statement. Even with perfect technique and 8-year-old child is not going to be ableContinue reading “High Percentage vs. Low Percentage”

How Do I Get Better?

We all strive to be the best we can be.  We all desire to improve ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.  This is especially true when it comes to martial arts.  One of the reasons for training is to become a better person, in all facets of life. In most martial arts, we use a belt system to guideContinue reading “How Do I Get Better?”

TJ’s Tale: Excelling at Something Later in Life

The following article is the story of a student I had for many years.  To respect her privacy, I am going to refer to her as TJ in lieu of her real name.  The main reason I am sharing her story is that it is an inspirational one.  Many people over 40 years old will say they areContinue reading “TJ’s Tale: Excelling at Something Later in Life”

Not Everyone Will Earn a Black Belt

My goal is black belt.  This is a black belt school.  Black belt excellence.  Minimum time required to earn a black belt.  These are all things that you will see posted on the wall of a studio or hear being discussed by students, instructors, and parents.  From day one, we are programmed to believe that earning a black belt isContinue reading “Not Everyone Will Earn a Black Belt”

Is Your Martial Arts School Surviving, Thriving, or Dying?

March 10th, 2020.  That was the last day I taught a normal, restriction free martial arts class.  Over a year later, masks and socially distanced activities are still required in my area. Every area of the world is different. Despite all of this, some martial arts schools are thriving. Does this sound like your school or isContinue reading “Is Your Martial Arts School Surviving, Thriving, or Dying?”

Karate Customer Service

As a martial arts instructor, I was always taught to “give them what they need, not what they want.”  Call it Karate Customer Service. Think about it.  Karate is hard.  It is physically and mentally challenging.  We try to help students become more disciplined, focused, and respectful.  If we let them do what they want, I doubt they wouldContinue reading “Karate Customer Service”

Karate Student Feedback – Complaining, Critiquing, or Concerning?

We karate teachers are a unique breed.  We have a knowledge and skill set that many others don’t possess.  A karate teacher is part martial artist, part teacher, part life coach, part psychologist, part physical therapist, part EMT, and part fitness coach.  That’s a lot of parts.  Most of us are experts in martial arts, proficient in teaching,Continue reading “Karate Student Feedback – Complaining, Critiquing, or Concerning?”

Why Am I Not Testing in Karate?

Why am I not testing in karate?  This is a question many martial arts instructors have heard all too often.  If you haven’t heard this question, you are either a really good instructor or a really bad one.  You would be a bad one because you just test all of your students all of the time, just forContinue reading “Why Am I Not Testing in Karate?”

What is the Best Martial Art?

There are countless articles online and in magazines ranking martial art styles or claiming this style or that style is the best or most effective.  While I enthusiastically read all of these articles, I also cringe nearly every time.  The reason I cringe is because it is impossible to rank or claim which martial art is theContinue reading “What is the Best Martial Art?”

Being a Black Belt vs. Having a Black Belt

It has been a while since I had a true rant in one of my posts even though the title of my blog is “Master Elmore’s Martial Arts Rants”.  I will try not to rant too much while still providing some useful insight and information on being a black belt. In just about every karate school,Continue reading “Being a Black Belt vs. Having a Black Belt”